Thursday, 8 November 2012

From Sketches to Simulation...

In this render shot, I have modeled and textured the USSR Sputnik_1 artificial satellite. Again, with this model I wanted to tell a story on my moon. This sputnik's been here a long time, and it has aged, it's developed rust and it has been disbanded - much like the rocket ship in my scene, I want my spacecrafts to tell their own story in the environment. This for me, makes play a more interesting environment than if I were to have a glossy, brand new sputnik. It also works well with the lighting that is current in the scene. Alongside the rocket, I wanted to create something else that, had a weathered, artificial/man made look to it, that would be distinguishable against the almost untouched, natural lunar surface that has been designed to look unspoilt by man and completely natural and I think adding sputnik to the scene captures that In a really nice way. I have then imported a matte backdrop for the moon into the shot, just to make my displacement map look like it doesn't drop off of the scene. It looks more continuous which really builds on top of the illusion.