This scene is the only scene of the entire film that had been composited into Flash and not After Effects. The scene was touched up and converted into 3D in After Effects but the initial setting, the movement were all done in flash. The System failure that is timed to flash on and off on 3's; the design was created in photoshop and then imported into flash to be animated. The cloud burst was created from a thoroughly followed set of tutorials I came across, and from a lot of research watching Wacky Races, where there are segments in the cartoon where the animators have put in smoke bursts unnecessarily into certain shots and I thought, to maintain the zanyness that we aimed to capture, we too would do the same as Wacky Races pulled it off rather well. The same smoke burst is used again in certain shots, where the opacity has been turned down and the frames have been skewed to another perspective in order to align with the new shot.
To break the scene down, what I did is the background as one component, which involved the system failure screen flashing, built in photoshop, the machine, the sparks animation, and the flashing components. This is below.
and the foreground smoke was then added via Chroma Key style, so that it could be masked into the frame with a transparent background. This was animated in flash, and so this is a frame of the animation below.