Tuesday 1 May 2012


A scene, leaves our production. It's the scene in my animatic that has been produced but scrapped in Post-Production of the hand that struggles inside some chains; showing the gesture of a zany struggle. The reason that this shot has been abandoned is because, during the end of production, Thaxnay and myself came to the conclusion, that having this scene, complimented by the scene of having my Monsters chained up, and for us to show that in a mid-shot of the monster looking bored, waiting for the scientist to do something; didn't feel right, especially to me. I had designed that character and felt that he deserved more justice, rather than a brief cameo that didn't make entire sense. Instead we went in the direction that the mass portion of the film is based upon a scientist, who's machinery fails to work for him. The conflict in the narrative is SCIENTIST V.S MACHINE, and I feel that throwing that monster in there, in any way may just throw an audience member off track of what the movie is really about. So we really took all the monster scenes away. And before we started developing the monster scene properly, we scrapped it, and in the process, we removed this scene also. However, in the long run, I am happy because now I feel confident that we have one solid 20 second gag/story that is a solid idea, and it has been told solidly, it's been made in a really cool and goofy way and it sells itself really well, so I am happy to leave the scene behind, as is Thaxnay.
These are just snippets of the scene. There are more inbetweens, really!

The back-drop that is out of focus, and the chain are all produced in Maya. The Background by Thaxnay, and the Chain by myself. As I am feeling more confident as time has progressed with modelling objects in Maya, this was a simple case of making one chain link, and then replicating it, to create the pattern as desired.

The background had the shadow animated, which was basically the hand animation, just each frame was Gaussian blurred in photoshop to a black silhouette, to give it the shadow illusion.

The Original Animation was then added on top of this.