This is a screenshot of the rain I did. The rain droplets are all created in Photoshop.
In Process
The titles and the credits were then imported over the top.
Regarding the credits, I decided in the end, that it would not be fair to credit myself or Thaxnay as one thing or another. I may be the films director, but Thax has made a tremendous amount of contribution to every single aspect of this film, and has been on board with his opinions even in the storyboard stage before he began working on the film. We both did every single shot, we both brought something into every shot; So he's really breathed as much life into it as I have, and I couldn't have made anything quite like it without him, so I have much thanks to him for that, and for that reason I have decided to label it as "A Film by Ben Hudson & Thaxnay Kapdee" as a team.