Wednesday 22 February 2012

Colour Colour Colour

For Macabre of Monsters, Thax and me have figured it may be nice to work with a colour palette. One that can stretch to vary and work between lighting and shadow area, to neuteral area's too. It would be nice to capture an atmosphere, some feeling within the colours of well, whether it be the goofyness of the style, or the opening serious tone, and then in contrast the lighter hearted final scenes; but as I say, these are early days yet. Though never too early to consider! In regards to the colour palette concept, I have come up with these, as quick mock ups, 

So Thax and me have decided that the appropriate colour palette's that would juxtapose eachother would be colour palette idea 1 & 4. The rich secondary yellow and visceral reds would compliment eachother nicely as the brightest colours fade into some dirty, grungy yet subtle colour combinations that would complete our shots.